Known as the "Furnace City" Chongqing has millions and millions of people (34M?)
Our family lived there for 1.5 years and learned the transit system. We walked a lot and we sweat a lot in the summer, because the climate there was very hot. However, on the Monorail it was cool, when the train did move the breeze came through the whole train compartment which was one continuous compartment and it felt like air conditioning and was very refreshing. The MONORAIL system was a fantastic ride. No rail, this rode on a single concrete track, elevated most of the time, with lots of subway areas as well. | photo by Grant Johnson |
Very smooth. It was all electric and so it could accelerate and decelerate quickly, and because it rode on tires, it could get TRACTION and make it up the steeper parts of track in this tropical and mountainous city. The train was clean. No gum or graffiti whatsoever. No gangs or loiterers, etc. Felt safe. Crowed yes at peak times, other times not so much.